Ticket 2 Work

what do we do?
MCS, SPC. and The Hollywood WorkSource Center is contracted with the Social Security Administration (SSA) as a certified Employment Network (EN). This means that we assist people with disabilities to secure employment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) issues tickets to eligible adults ages 18 to 64. These tickets can be used to obtain rehabilitation and employment services. For more information on the Ticket to Work program please visit their site at Ticket2Work.org
Francisco Bon-Valenzuela
Ticket to Work Coordinator

Stay Organized
We work with you to develop an Individual Work Plan (IWP) which is tailored to your individual needs and designed to help you become and stay employed. WE also provide employment related services and support outlined in your IWP. These support services are provided free of charge to you, the Ticket Holder.
I personally have returned successfully back to work with a disability and used the Ticket to Work programs to help me achieve goals of self sufficiency. I am excited to be able to come to work to educate others on how they also can use this great program for their own personal gain.If you have a Ticket to Work and want to be successful the Hollywood WorkSource is the place to be.
–Les Roberson
For job seekers, with disabilities
MCS offers career counseling, job placement assistance, resume writing workshops, training as well as assistance with benefits planning. Along with other attractive incentives in order to assist you in your search for employment. We are your partner on your path to employment..
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